First, I took the opportunity to look like a tourist by taking some pictures.
And Ryan found a GameStop.
Next, we fumbled around with our map and tried to find somewhere to do our shopping. We failed miserably at both. It may or may not have had something to do with the fact that street signs are nonexistent here.
After getting lost a couple times, we decided that it was time to eat. We ate lunch at a place called "Tasty Burger". It was by far the best meal we've eaten since arriving in Sweden. Plus, it wasn't even that expensive either.
With our stomachs full, we started our search for groceries and a few household items. We hit up what you could call a mall to find pillows and a shower curtain. Ryan found both in true Bogart form: on sale. We managed to snag two pillows and the curtain for less than the original price of one pillow.
We saw an interesting sign in the window of a clothing store on our way out of the mall. I think it means "Sale"? But I can't say for sure...
With our apartment furnishings tucked away in the army bag, we journeyed on to find a grocery store called "Willys".
We then proceeded to fumble around some more in the store, trying to decipher what all the labels meant. It wasn't very easy or very much fun. Although we did find it rather humorous that the Swedish word for tomato is "tomater".
After purchasing 620 SEK (approximately $95) worth of groceries from Willys, we started the trek back to the heart of downtown to catch the bus. The walk back was a lot harder, or so Ryan tells me. He was only carrying like 80 pounds of food on his back... he's such a whiner. ;)
The next bus to campus wasn't scheduled to come for almost an hour, so Ryan and I took this opportunity to play a life-sized game of chess.
Ryan was patient with me as I struggled to remember how to play. In the end, he was too nice and he let me win.
We met a very strange older gentleman on the way home. He talked for a good ten minutes about the time he visited the Twin Cities back in 1974. He also told us where he lived. I think he wanted us to come hang out with him?
After a good four hours downtown, we finally made it back home. I unpacked all of the groceries and hung up our shower curtain.
In case you're wondering... yes, it is pink. And yes, it is hung up with a variety pack of shoe strings that I bought for 10 SEK. But at least our bathroom floor won't be covered in water most of the day anymore. Plus, it makes our apartment seem more like a home and less like a prison.
I guess that's all I have for today. Tomorrow: orientation starts! Happy Monday.
I love that the best meal you've had is American Classic.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love the chess board. You guys appear to be starting your journey out well!
Love from MN!