Saturday, September 18, 2010

Free time = Hobby time

Since coming to Sweden about five weeks ago, Ryan and I have had an abundance of downtime even now that school as started. I hate to admit, but I generally do nothing with entire weeks aside from general household cleaning and attending three lectures. It's actually quite pathetic when I sit back and think about how much time I waste. I think back to last year when I was going to school full time, working a part time job, and planning our wedding... and it makes me miss my busy days that had routine and structure.

Before moving here I was one of those people who thought three day weekends and four days of school/work per week would be heavenly. It wasn't until I got my wish that I began to think otherwise. I know that most of you who put in a hard weeks work on top of numerous other obligations probably think I'm down right insane for wanting to be busy.... but if you had five weeks with endless amounts of downtime, no television, and a very limited budget... you'd be in the same boat as me.

So what does one do with an abundance of time....? Why that's simple: take up a hobby!

And that's just what Ryan and I have decided to do.

Ryan is taking full advantage of not being able to work while we're here and having a much lighter course load by doing two things he's always wanted to do: read classic novels and paint miniatures. In the last two weeks he's already read the novels "Catch 22" and "1984". The university library has a surprisingly good selection of classic novels that are written in English. Plus, checking books out from the library to read is free! And when you have a tight budget free is the best number there is.

He also ordered a set of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures to paint. This new hobby isn't quite as inexpensive, but it's something he's always wanted to do. He has been extensively preparing for this new hobby by watching all sorts of YouTube videos with techniques of how to paint. We'll see if his turn out as good as some of the ones on the videos...

Here's Ryan at his workstation that he set up on the kitchen table. Notice the three lamps he has positioned all around him.... Ryan cannot stand shadows when he's reading/studying/doing anything that requires concentration. He gets rather grouchy.

My new "hobby", if it can be called that, is working out. Although it might not be classified as a hobby per se, that's what I'm going to call it for lack of a better description. Ever since I started my sophomore year at UMD in the chemical engineering major, I have let working out be put on the back burner. There was just never enough time, let alone energy, to fit a workout into my busy schedule. But now that I have entire days with no obligations it is time to change that.

I brought along my 30 Day Shred workout video with Jillian Michaels that I have been doing most days for the past couple weeks... but I'm getting bored rather quickly with it. Don't get me wrong-it's a great workout, it's just that there are only three different workouts on the DVD. This means doing the exact same thing for days until you're ready to move onto the next level. It's a great idea and it definitely gives results... I just get bored too easily.

So I've decided that Jillian and I need to take a break... I'm just not ready to commit to one workout for the rest of my life. I need to see other workouts. And so, I've decided to join the gym on campus. Which, on a side note, kind of makes me mad that it isn't free like back home... Because now that I have all this free time I have to pay $60/month to get in shape and not be bored. Oh well, hopefully the results will be worth it.

Plus, for the $60/month you not only get access to all the cardio machines and weights, you also can attend as many group fitness classes as you want. I'm most excited about that part. I always push harder when I workout with another person or in a group fitness setting. The competitive side in me always comes out and I want to push harder to be better than the person next to me. Hopefully the combination of pushing harder and having variety will get me back in shape. It better, otherwise Ryan will never let me forget that I spent so much money to workout and didn't utilize it... haha.

I've also started to play around with the idea of knitting. It just makes me feel so old when I think that the only things I'll do is read, knit, cook, and clean... so we'll see how the working out goes before I decide to tackle another hobby. Can't let myself get TOO overwhelmed after all!

So that's the update from across the Atlantic today, folks. Ryan and I have finally found something to occupy our time so we don't constantly annoy eachother by sitting around the apartment being bored. I suppose it's for the best. I'd rather be in shape than divorced anyhow. ;)

Peace, Love, and Swedish Meatballs!!!
-The Bogarts

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