We decided to go with a fake tree this year despite my hesitation. It just makes sense for us with all the uncertainty of having a baby around the holidays because Lord only knows how long it will stay up past December 25th. I figure taking down Christmas decorations probably won't be my first priority with a brand new baby in the house and exhaustion to go with it. But it still does make me a little sad on the inside... it's just not the same! I miss that delicious pine tree smell! I just have to keep reminding myself about how much less maintenance it's going to require - no crawling under the branches and getting poked by the needles in order to keep it hydrated and no daily vacuuming to pick up those pokey needles either. My tired, pregnant body appreciates that part for sure.
To Ryan, it's not an issue. His family has had a fake tree for many years and so that's what he's used to anyways. Not me. For this northern Minnesota girl with fond childhood memories of picking out a real tree every year with my family the day after Thanksgiving, it is slightly heartbreaking. But there's many more years of Christmas yet to come! And in anticipation of future years filled with great-smelling, pokey pine needles we got our tree on Black Friday for 50% off at Target. That way we won't have to feel guilty if it only gets used for a few years. :)
What's even more heartbreaking than not having a real Christmas tree this year, though, is not having a fireplace to hang stockings over. To a lot of people, I'm sure I must seem crazy. But being the daughter of a fireplace manufacturer, that's a pretty big deal! I was out buying Christmas decorations a couple weeks ago and I got all excited when I found these super cute stockings because we didn't have any and of course everyone needs stockings... and then I got home and realized - "We have nowhere to hang them!" But have no fear friends! Ryan helped me find a suitable place on the wall for them and they still look super cute.
Now if only we could get some snow to go with my stellar Christmas decorations, it would feel like it's almost December... Plus, rumor has it that low pressure systems can help induce labor. I don't know about you, but I could definitely go for this baby being born in time to enjoy our fake Christmas tree and a white Christmas. Just saying.
Happy Hump Day!
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