Saturday, October 8, 2011

Christmas in... October?

For longer than I can remember I've listened to my grandma and mom complain about how "Christmas comes earlier every year!" and I never quite believed them... until yesterday. Now I've heard of Christmas in July... but Christmas in October? Hallmark, this is getting a little out of hand!

Yesterday, as Ryan and I were out running some errands, I noticed that several stores in the mall were already full-on decorated for Christmas. I know that time has been flying by and I literally have no idea where September went, but it is only the first full week of October, right? I thought so... I also thought it was sort of a "rule of thumb" that stores waited to put out their Christmas decorations until after Halloween was over? Apparently I was sadly mistaken.

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Christmas. It is my favorite thing about winter. I love the warm cozy feeling that Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree brings, the delicious smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies that permeates through the house, the 25 Days of Christmas specials on ABC Family, and of course... the Christmas music! I love everything about the whole holiday season.

But I have sort of mixed feelings about Christmas in October. On one hand, I'm excited because it's a reminder that Baby Bogart will be here before we know it. But on the other hand, it reminded me that I really need to get my tush in gear and actually start thinking about starting my Christmas shopping before:
a) I'm too fat and tired to navigate the crowds and the stores OR
b) I've got a newborn to haul around while I navigate the crowds and stores. (That is, assuming he comes before Christmas...)

Well, it's time to get back to my cleaning! Ryan's parents are coming for a visit and I have irresistable the urge to scrub down the bathrooms... oh silly nesting!

Enjoy the weekend!
-The Bogarts

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