Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just in case you ever need to (literally) feed an army

Yesterday the Bogart household was filled with the sweet smells of baking. Only this time, it wasn't from a burning candle... it was the real deal folks! I tried out a new recipe called "The Bread That Feeds 5000" or "Amish Friendship Bread" compliments of my mother in law. I was pretty nervous because it is one of the few sweet baked goods that Ryan actually enjoys and I didn't want to mess it up. It was a pretty high pressure situation - let me tell you...

But have no fear - I thrived on the pressure and came through in the clutch. It turned out fantastic! It turned out so good, in fact, that I decided to post the recipe today so all of you can make it. It's kind of a "process" because it takes multiple days before you can actually make and enjoy the bread, but it's super easy and sooo worth it. Enjoy!

Bread That Feeds 5000

Starter Mix:
Mix together:  1/3 cup flour
                      1/3 cup sugar
                      1/3 cup milk
Put these three ingredients into a one-gallon size ziplock plastic bag.

DO NOT use a metal spoon or bowl for mixing.
DO NOT refrigerate.
If air gets in the bag, let it out. It is normal for the batter to raise, bubble, and ferment.

Day 1: Squeeze the bag.
Day 2: Squeeze the bag.

Day 3: Squeeze the bag.

Day 4: Squeeze the bag.

Day 5: Squeeze the bag.

Day 6: Mix 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk and add to the bag. Squeeze the bag.
Day 7: Squeeze the bag.

Day 8: Squeeze the bag.

Day 9: Squeeze the bag.
Day 10: Combine in a large glass (or plastic bowl): 
                Batter in bag
                1 cup flour
                1 cup sugar
                1 cup milk
Mix with a plastic or wooden spoon.
Pour three 1 cup starters into separate gallon-sized ziplock bags. Give bags to friends with these instructions.

To remaining batter in bowl, add:
3/4 cup oil                         1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla                       3 large eggs
1/2 tsp salt                        1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 cups flour                       1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp baking soda           1 large instant vanilla pudding packet
1 1/2 tsp baking powder

Pour into two large loaf pans or muffin tins, well greased and dusted with cinnamon/sugar. Dust top of batter with cinnamon/sugar as well (optional). Add nuts, chocolate chips, raisins, banana, etc. if you like.

Bake at 325 for approximately one hour or 45 minutes for muffins. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans.

Yield: 2 delicous loaves

You will want to loosen the edges of the bread from the pan before trying to remove it, or else the bread will have a hard time coming out and you might have some of it stuck in the pan. Yes, that did happen to me. Notice how the loaf on the left is slightly misshapen in the front... yeah, that would be the missing part. Don't worry - It didn't make the bread any less delicious, but it did slightly irk the perfectionist part of me.

Happy Baking!
-The Bogarts  

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