Monday, December 20, 2010

The End...

All our bags are packed... we're ready to go... (Get it? Like the song...?)

Anyways.. I don't really have much time/energy to do much of a final post after cleaning and packing all day long, but I thought I would at least drop in and let you all know that if everything goes as planned Ryan and I will be in Minnesota around 5:30 pm tomorrow. So exciting and sad at the same time!

Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year all around the world, and I am certainly glad that we will be leaving this seemingly eternal darkness. Despite my sadness for having to leave, that is one thing I know I will not miss. The official time of sunrise for tomorrow here in Lulea will be 9:55 a.m. and the official sunset time will be 1:03 p.m. In case you don't feel like doing the math yourself, that means that there will only be three hours and eight minutes of "daylight" here tomorrow. That's assuming, of course, that it doesn't decide to be overcast and snowy like it did today.

I didn't really mind though. I found it fitting that we never saw the sun today as we packed our things away and said our good-byes... because as happy as we both are to be coming home to see all of our friends and family who we've missed terribly for the past four and half months... we're equally as sad to be leaving the wonderful life we've led in Sweden. It is a bittersweet ending in every way possible.

Thank you for everyone who was interested enough to read this blog over the past few months. I've enjoyed posting on it, I hope you've enjoyed reading it. I haven't quite decided if I'll keep blogging once we get home. Right now I'm leaning towards yes, but we will have to see. It has been a wonderful way to keep friends and family who we don't see on a regular basis updated on our life... So check back soon! I'll hopefully start posting as soon as the madness that will be the holidays settles down in a couple weeks and we're moved into our new place in Duluth.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we start our travels bright and early tomorrow at 4:30 a.m.

Peace, Love, and Merry Christmas!
-The Bogarts

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