Friday, October 15, 2010

Malmo and Copenhagen, Take Four

Our last day in Copenhagen was fairly uneventful to say the least. Unless you consider the ten plus miles we hiked around the city trying to find stores that were open on Sunday an adventure... Believe me, it wasn't all that exciting. We left most of our gift shop seeking for Sunday thinking it would be a good way to kill time before our flight left that night. I guess we didn't really consider the fact that most of the shops wouldn't even be open... oops!

But we did stumble upon a botanical garden during our journeys through the streets. It definitely wasn't in peek condition, being that it was the end of September, but it was still a nice area.

I believe that those are real grapes on a grape vine, folks. At least that's what they look like to me. But I was too short and too scared to pick one to find out...

After leaving the botanical gardens, we walked past the Rosenborg Castle on our way back to the hotel. Its a very old castle used by royalty for many years as a summer home. Right next to the castle grounds is the "King's Garden". It is a large expanse of green grass with trees and statues scattered throughout. Very beautiful.

Yes, that guard was really pacing back and forth between the entrance gates to the castle. He acted annoyed that everyone was taking his picture, but I knew better. He loves his job.

The last notable thing we saw in Copenhagen was this copper man. I would have taken a picture straight on, but Shannon said if you don't pay them they get angry if you photograph them. And since I wasn't really interested in paying him... I just waited until I was out of his peripheral vision to snap a photo. I'm very very sneaky! :)

After heading back to the hotel to get our bags, we hopped on the train, arrived at the airport, and bummed around there until our flight took us safely back to Lulea. The End.

I hope you enjoyed the re-cap of our adventures through Malmo and Copenhagen. For any of you considering visiting Scandinavia, I would highly recommend this trip. I think a long weekend is the perfect amount of time to explore all the major things both cities have to offer unless you feel like getting more in-depth and seeing all that there is to see.

Up next! Adventures in the capital of Sweden! Ryan and I are taking a little trip down to Stockholm this weekend by ourselves to explore the city. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers with the continuing threat of terrorist attacks over here. We're not too worried (actually we're not worried at all), but for the sake of my mother's blood pressure it couldn't hurt to have some people thinking about our safe return Monday evening.

Have a happy weekend all!

Peace, Love and Swedish Meatballs!!!
-The Bogarts

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