Monday, October 25, 2010

Sick and tired and overwhelmed

You know those weeks where you have entirely too much to do? This was one of those weeks for me. Monday when we got back from Stockholm I was bombarded with reality as soon as we stepped back into our apartment.  The piles of laundry had turned into mountains after adding our clothes from the recent trip to Stockholm, the dishes were heaped on the counter right where I'd left them (I had hoped secretly that they would manage to do themselves), and my text books were staring at me from the corner reminding me that I had two very important exams coming up. Now that may not seem like I have all that much to be doing, but you would be surprised how many hours you can study for two exams...

You see, over here in Scandinavia land.... they do school a little differently. Instead of having four or five classes for a semester, you have two or three classes for eight weeks. This means that they don't really do midterm exams. This also means that my two exams I have in the next four days account for my entire grade in both of my classes. Pretty scary, huh? Yeah... I'm pretty much terrified.

For those of you who might not know me well enough, I get the worst test anxiety possible. It doesn't matter that this is my fourth year of college and I've taken more exams than I can even remember, it doesn't matter how prepared or unprepared I might be, I always feel like I'm going to blow chunks all over the test set in front of me. Every time.

And this, dear friends, is why I've been ignoring you all week and have yet to post about our lovely trip to Stockholm last weekend. Please forgive me? I promise that I will get it done first thing on Thursday after I finish the eight hours blocked off for my Paper Technology exam. Yes, eight hours! I don't even know that I'll be able to stay awake that long, let alone function and try to think. We'll see in a few days....

It's a good thing that this weekend is Halloween... I'm going to need an ice cold drink and LOTS of candy to console myself I think.

Peace, Love, and Swedish Meatballs!!!
-The Bogarts

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