Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Haircuts are expensive in Lulea!

I'm talking like downright outrageously priced! Even for men! The "discount" student price for a haircut here in Lulea is 350 SEK, or just over $50. How crazy is that?!  It's a good thing our friend Brett invested in a haircutting kit complete with an electric clipper that even has a European outlet plug... otherwise we'd have to go hungry for two days just to pay for Ryan's hair to be trimmed. Goodness. It's also a good thing that I've had a couple years worth of practice cutting Ryan's hair (and his roommate's too) so I don't have to just buzz cut it everytime. And he doesn't have to walk around with a haircut that's too goofy...

Apparently, experience with cutting hair is a valuable trait to have over here. So valuable, in fact, that I've started branching out to new customers.... This afternoon I gave our friend Manuel a much needed haircut. I was really nervous because his hair is THICK. The word thick doesn't even begin to describe it, actually. I had never cut hair so thick before. My area of expertise is actually in thin hair because that's what Ryan has...

Here's Manuel before...

Notice the mass quantities of hair and the lack of overall shape. That's what he gave me to work with. Now can you see why I was slightly terrified to give him a full makeover? It wasn't even like it was a simple trim or anything....

Here is what Manuel looked like after...

I think I did a pretty darn good job considering I have no formal training in hairstyling! Don't you? And it isn't even as good as it could've been. But we were late meeting with everyone for a group lunch to discuss our plans for the weekend. So it's a little uneven and doesn't look as professional as I would've liked. I'm a perfectionist, what can I say? I am pretty darn proud of myself though.

And just look at that pile of hair! The picture honestly doesn't do it justice. It was the size of a small bunny, I'm not joking.

Remember that one time that I was SO proud because I took the time to sweep and mop my entire apartment? Yeah... so do I. Unfortunately, I have a feeling it will need another thorough cleaning after we return from our trip this weekend.

Manuel is so silly, too. He wasn't willing to pay the 350 SEK to have his hair cut. But to compensate me for cutting his hair, he gave me a bottle of vodka! He did say it was my belated birthday present, though. So I didn't feel TOO bad accepting it. I'm excited to try my first mixed drink with some Absolut Kurant. I've never heard of this flavor. I'm not even quite sure what it's going to taste like... What do you think I should mix it with? I'm thinking some Fanta.

Manuel even cut out a piece of paper in the shape of sissors as a little "Thank You" note. Isn't he such a nice young man? He's also single... in case anyone is looking for a 24 year-old mining engineer from Austria. I could hook you up? Haha just throwing that out there...

Well, that's the update for today folks. Ryan and I will be out of touch for the remainder of the week because we're taking a long weekend trip with our friends to the southern-most tip of Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark. I'm super excited! It's the first trip we'll take over here in Europe. Hopefully there will be many more to come.

Look for a blog post on Monday about our trip! Have a safe weekend!

Peace, Love, and Swedish Meatballs!!!
-The Bogarts

1 comment:

  1. Tina! You did so well. I have to say, I am quite impressed with your hair craftsmanship. Also, could you have received better payment? No. No, you couldn't. Try it with pink lemonade pleazzzzzz.
