Friday, September 10, 2010

Respect your elders

Today is Ryan's 22nd Birthday. He has now surpassed me in age (for the next four days haha) and has moved beyond being 21 to being a 20-something. I have come to find endless amounts of entertainment joking about him being an "old man" because he is officially recognized as being one year older than me. Sadly, that will only last until September 14th... and then I will join the ranks of those 20-somethings.

Don't you even worry. Ryan doesn't take offense to being a mere 4 days older than me. In fact, the other 361 days out of the year that I'm not teasing him for being an old man, he points out quite frequently that he is older than me. But usually only when we are having a disagreement about something. Then he follows up that thought with "You should respect your elders!" Dumb.

I gave Ryan his presents at Midnight because I'm a horrible present-giver. To clarify, I absolutely love buying presents for other people. Christmas is my favorite time of year because I have an excuse to buy everyone I know and love a present. Nothing beats the excitement I get from searching around and finding things for people that I know they'll really enjoy. My problem with giving presents is that I can't wait to give the person their present! I just want them to have their present so they can have more time to enjoy it! So that's why Ryan got his presents at midnight. As soon as I realized it was 12:00 a.m. and officially September 9th, I was already digging out his gifts from the closet.

The best part is, what I got for Ryan this year can't even come close to competing with the birthday presents I've gotten him in the past. Last year, I gave him an XBox 360.... the year before that it was a brand new snowboard... basically I spoil him. But I love doing it!

This year, due to lack of resources... I resorted to buying necessities. I got Ryan a really nice, thick black and grey blanket because we've been sleeping with only sheets on our beds. I figured it would be nice to have a real blanket considering it will be snowing and completely dark soon. I also purchased him some of the best smelling body wash I could find. To save on suitcase space, we only brought along my Bath & Body Works Vanilla body wash. I decided it was about time that he started smelling like a man again instead of a delicious dessert. Haha although I do love the smell of both!

Here's a picture of Ryan from last night proudly displaying his gifts.

I think the best birthday gift of all was the hilarious card I gave him. Isn't that picture the best!?

He definitely got a kick out of it. Not as much as I did though...

Tonight, Ryan and I are going to head downtown to eat a nice dinner and celebrate our birthdays. Nothing too fancy, as the restaurant selection in Lulea is pretty slim. But it is definitely a treat to take a break from cooking and have a good excuse to buy some overpriced dessert and have someone else cook.

And so there you have it folks! Our first birthday celebrated as a married couple! Complete with boring gifts and a cheesy card. Life is good.

Peace, Love, and Swedish Meatballs!
-The Bogarts

1 comment:

  1. Here's to many more birthdays with cheesy cards! Have a great time and happy birthday both of you!

