Thursday, September 9, 2010

Red Cross is like totally my new favorite store!

This afternoon Ryan and I took the bus downtown to eat lunch at Max's (the best fast food restaurant in Sweden... arguably even the best fast food restaurant ever). Anyways... while we were downtown, we decided to walk to the Red Cross and just poke around to see what we could find.

They have everything there! And it's all cheap! They have books, dishes, clothes, furniture, ab rollers... and the list goes on and on. After about an hour of poking around and having a grand ol' time... here's what we scored:

Two coffee mugs for only 2 SEK a piece. Ryan and I were both thrilled about this purchase because we went to the store the other day to buy hot chocolate, only to remember that we didn't have mugs to drink it out of. It makes me disappointed all over again just thinking about it...

They're nothing too fancy, but Ryan insisted that they had the most comfortable handles after testing out all of the different options. The mugs even contained the remnants of the last cup of coffee they held! How did we get so lucky?! :)

Don't worry... I did have enough common sense to clean them out before using them tonight to drink some Toblerone cappuccino. Yum!

Ryan invested in two really good looking ties from the Red Cross as well. Not that he doesn't already own enough ties to wear a different one every week for an entire calendar year... it's just that he forgot to pack a single one of them. You know that feeling you get when you're right in the middle of doing something but you just can't remember what exactly? Yeah, that happened to Ryan while trying to pack his dress clothes apparently. He packed a nice white button-up shirt, dress shoes, and even dress socks. But somehow he managed to miss the dress pants and ties? Haha he's special like that. (Cindy and Marty- I know, I know, I'm the one that married him!)

Ryan also picked up an almost-new grey sweater for 20 SEK. It's a really nice sweater that's from the popular Swedish/European store J&C (Jeans & Clothes). Original name, right?

Our final purchase of the day was a bottle cap opener. Sweden has some really great local sodas, but none of them are twist-offs. We discovered that a bottle opener would come in handy if we didn't want to ruin every piece of silverware we own trying to open bottles.

Here are all our lovely purchases for the day!

And even after investing in two mugs, two ties, a nice sweater, and a bottle opener... our grand total for the day was a mere 44 SEK. Or, approximately $6 USD. Looks like the Red Cross is more of a "dollar store" than the actual Dollar Store in Sweden. Who woulda thunk?!

Looks like I know where I'll be going Christmas shopping for Ryan this year! :)

Peace, Love, and Swedish Meatballs!
-The Bogarts

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