Sunday, September 19, 2010


Every Sunday night at 19:00 (7:00 pm for those of you on U.S. time) they show a movie in a large lecture hall here on campus. It costs 100 SEK (about $15) to buy a four movie pass, which isn't a very bad price at all for what you get. The seats in the lecture hall are really quite comfortable and there's no bad seat in the whole room. Plus the projection screen that they use is huge! It gives almost exactly the same effect of the traditional American movie theater minus the fatty, salty theater popcorn. They even show really recent movies and they're even in English, too. Score!

The first week that classes officially began, Philm showed the new "Robin Hood" movie starring Russell Crowe. If you have yet to see this newer release, I would highly recommend it. The fight scenes are beyond amazing. Plus, I bet it would be even better to watch if all the subtitles weren't in Swedish. It would help you to better understand some of the scenes that are spoken in French.

Last week, the movie showing at Philm was "Killers" featuring Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Hiegl. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie as well despite it being your typical "I'm married to a spy and never knew it" movie. It was a very cute romantic comedy that also had some action in it.

The movie today is the new "Sorcerer's Apprentice" starring Nicolas Cage. I am SOO excited to see it! I was   a huge fan of Disney's "Fantasia" as a child... Like to the point that my old babysitters now tell me horror stories about begging me to watch a different movie after suffering through the same one on repeat three times. Despite my extensive Disney movie collection, there was just something about the music and mystical creatures in "Fantasia" that really captured my imagination. Anyways, I really wanted to see "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" this summer while it was in theaters, I just never had the chance. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint me. The trailers I've seen with the special effects all look pretty amazing, but my mom and sister gave me very mixed reviews after they saw it. I guess we'll see in a few hours!

It makes me feel right at home going to a movie here in Lulea every Sunday evening. Growing up, my family would go out to dinner and to a movie most Sundays. Only when the Vikings weren't playing that is. It was pretty much the only thing to do in a small town. I like to get little tastes of home here and there even while living thousands of miles away from where I grew up. The only thing I wish they offered at Philm was some good old fashioned theater popcorn with extra salt and extra fake butter topping. Yummy! I guess I'll just have to settle for some potato chips....

It's a great Sunday afternoon here across the Atlantic. The sun is finally shining today after a few straight days of clouds and rain and there's a movie in a few hours with some junkfood calling my name. God is so good.

Happy Sunday everyone!

Peace, Love, and Swedish Meatballs!!
-The Bogarts

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you can have a Sunday movie date night. We've not seen any of these movies yet, but they're all on our Netflix list!
