Friday, October 14, 2011

Just a little vent before sunrise

I used to be an incredible sleeper before I was pregnant. I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat, sleep in until noon, and take three hour naps like they were going out of style. No joke, if sleeping/napping were an Olympic event, I would have taken the gold hands-down. It wouldn't have even been a competition. But these days... not so much.

I swear, once I hit my third trimester of this pregnancy it was like little Baby Bogart flipped a switch that immediately made it hard to sleep at night. First, I lay in bed for hours trying to get to sleep in the first place. Then I wake up every hour or two all night long because a) I have to use the bathroom b) I'm incredibly uncomfortable or c) I am incredibly uncomfortable AND I have to use the bathroom. It's really quite unpleasant. Really though, it wouldn't be so bad if I could just sleep in.. but alas, I can't seem to do that these days either. Between the construction down our road starting between 5:30-7:00 a.m. and my tendency to rise before or with the sun it just doesn't happen anymore. And it's not like the reason I can't sleep is because I'm not tired - I'm exhausted! It's just cruel and unusual punishment I tell ya...

My mom has been trying her darnedest to convince me that it's just my body's way of preparing me for when the baby actually comes and I have to be up with him every couple of hours. Which makes sense.. I suppose... kind of... (Not really.) Wouldn't it make more sense that my body would want to rest now while it still can? Shouldn't I cherish these last two months of uninterrupted sleep while I still at least have the opportunity? I guess not.

Really though, this pregnancy has been good to me overall and I have very few reasons to complain. I never had morning sickness, I haven't started swelling too badly or retaining insane amounts of water, and both the baby and I have been healthy enough that I haven't been put on bed rest or any other type of restriction. I know that I am very blessed compared to many others out there. It's just this darn lack of sleep thing! It starts to wear you down after a while... But I just have to keep reminding myself daily about the incredible prize at the end of all this and that, although it feels like it sometimes, I won't be pregnant forever. This too shall pass.

Well, my coffee is finally done! At least I can enjoy a cup of Folgers Half Caff with a bit of delicious Pumpkin Spice Coffee Mate mixed in as I sit here and wait for the sun to come up...


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