Friday, October 7, 2011

Strike a pose

Yesterday was another absolutely gorgeous fall day up here in the Duluth/Superior area. To celebrate the perfect weather and our growing family, Ryan & I took a drive just outside of Superior to Pattison Park with our friends Al & Kati Reich and took some maternity pictures. Now, if you're like me, you probably didn't even know that this particular Wisconsin State Park even existed... but it does. And let me tell you, it's stunning. Especially with all the fall colors this time of year. As Mr. Al Reich so eloquently phrased it, "Wisconsin is filled with hidden gems". So true.

Anyways, the whole point of this post is to give you all a little peek into the phenomenal work of Kati Reich (not ramble on about the hidden beauty of the cheese state haha). So! Here is a link to her blog post with some of the great shots she captured yesterday:

I LOVE them! She did such a fantastic job! And would you believe that this was her first time doing a maternity shoot? Don't worry, me either. She's just so good at what she does. I'm so thankful to have such talented friends...

On a side note, I am exactly 30 weeks pregnant today and that means that our little boy will hopefully be coming out to play in only 10 weeks. Although, according to my mother, it will be more like 11 weeks... she's convinced that I am going to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the hospital delivering him. I sure do hope she's wrong. Not only would I have to miss out on all the great food and Christmas cookies, but then his birthday would be overshadowed by all the Christmas festivities more than it already will be. Not that sharing a birthday with Jesus Christ isn't totally awesome.. I just think he might regret his choice to come late as he gets older. Oh well, I'll just have to explain it to him when he grows up and remind him that it's his own darn fault for not being born when he was due... haha!

Enjoy the pictures and the rest of your weekend all! TGIF!
-The Bogarts

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