Monday, October 3, 2011

There's a good possibility that I may turn into a bird

Nesting. What a silly word. I had heard stories from other moms about how they started "nesting" during their third trimester... cleaning and organizing everything in sight, stocking up on food, and baking all sorts of things. I've been wondering for the past few weeks since entering my third and final trimester of this pregnancy when that instinct would kick in for me. Well, I shall wonder no more! I'm officially nesting. It started slowly this weekend when I had the sudden (and very odd) urge to dust all of the blinds in our apartment, and I do believe that my nesting is in full swing on this lovely October day...

So far today I've:

  1. Washed/folded/put away all the laundry
  2. Washed the dishes
  3. Washed, disinfected, and put away the baby toys my aunt gave to me a couple months back
  4. Swept both bathrooms, the entry, and kitchen floors
  5. Ate lunch
  6. Worked out
  7. Made an appointment to get my hair highlighted and trimmed
  8. Written this blog post
And it's only the middle of the afternoon! Assuming I don't take a three hour nap again today like I've gotten in the habit of doing, I could accomplish more in this one day than all of last week combined. I must say that I do enjoy having this much energy and ambition... I wish I could just turn into a bird forever. 

And now it's time to scour my cook books for something delicious and entirely unhealthy to bake!

Happy Monday Everyone!
- Mama Bird

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